Friday, February 14, 2020

Multivariate Data Analysis - Factor Analysis Assignment

Multivariate Data Analysis - Factor Analysis - Assignment Example There are different variables affecting the marketing studies like product price, product size, product weight, product composition, color, etc. These variables will make the customers to buy the products. The information for factor analysis in marketing studies is collected through the market surveys or by focusing a group. By these surveys, the company can know about their product variability. They can understand about their products in the market and they can discuss what are the factors affecting the customer’s product purchase. The increased competition in the market makes the companies hire new strategies that will please the customers. The companies like to retain their existing customers as they will be loyal to them. They know it is easy to handle the loyal customers than the new ones, who are ready to pay high amount also. But the profit will decline if the existing customers go for other options. If they are not satisfied they will really wish to change their existing brands and go for new ones. The surveys, observation and focus group are some of the methods used in marketing analysis. The variables used in these surveys will include the companies’ full services to the customers. They are not only dealing with the product that they buy, but also with the location of the store, parking availability, etc. There will be different type of customers and they are classified into different categories like younger ones, older peoples, ladies, etc. These customers have different type of options to select their product and the company has to focus on the needs of these peoples. The customer mainly relies on the factor of satisfaction; both with the quality and service. This makes better sales happen and it provides a loyal customer to the company. These factor analysis results will show the importance of relationship between different factors. Some factors

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Research Project Handout Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research Project Handout - Essay Example Others will state it as an innate right, but the thought behind freedom should be to respect and be constructive to society. The aim of this essay is to address the notion of freedom and how this idea has morphed over the years. Discussion The foundations of the door of freedom in America, includes an autonomous Congress, Supreme Court, and executive. Thus, America was conceived due to the need to have freedom in practicable government and the wider society. Therefore, this facilitation of liberty, along with inventiveness of individuals, enabled American founding fathers to enable people to possess the right to know and the clout to act (Herbert Hoover on the New Deal and Liberty 170). The founding fathers initiative of freedom was built on the belief that men are gifted by their maker with definite unalienable rights, such as right to life and quest of happiness. Thus, the structures and aims of any government should be to safeguard these rights (Congressional Debate on Immigration Restriction 150). Even though America was formed from a revolution and a rebellion, opposing a structure of government entrenched in customs plus traditions, the idea of freedom for all had been impregnable. ... d for benevolent safeguard of every person, both male and female, in trying to make them self reliant by guaranteeing their civil plus political liberties (128). However, it is intricate to reconcile the boast of freedom, with the nature of the law that practically, places the kind of servitude with degradation on a large grouping of citizens prior to the law (Plessy v. Ferguson 163 U.S. 537). In that case, the dissenting judge, John Marshall Harlan, argued that freedom is the ability not to impose any structure of government on anyone else, but rather every person everywhere must possess the right to decide the system of government they wish for. According to Truman Doctrine deliberated in 1947, nearly every person must decide between alternative lifestyles since humankind is not fixed and the status quo not sacrosanct (223) Thus, the choice is not often a liberated one. Accordingly, a way of life is pedestal on the will of the mainstream, and is tell apart by gratis institutions, r epresentative regimes, free elections and assurances of individual liberty. Moreover, free people way of life is based on freedom of speech and religious conviction, as well as freedom from political oppression. It is about resisting subjugation coming from armed minorities or any other outside pressures (The Truman Doctrine 223). Even though those pushing for absolute power may seek to attain their own account of ecstasy on earth or equality, equality should result in liberty together with the spread of creative dissimilarities. Therefore, as Walter Lippmann stated in his Critique of Containment article, when freedom is substituted with absolute plus concentrated power, it will ultimately enforce conformity followed by despotism (183). Being free implies not being willing to permit