Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on Human Trafficking in the United States - 593 Words

In 2010, there were almost 30,000 Latino immigrants in Durham, ninety percent of which were undocumented immigrants (Johnson). Initially, most Latino immigrants arrived in the southwest, but since the turn of the century, more have settled in new destinations, such as Durham, and other parts of the Southeast, due to opportunities to work in low-skilled jobs. Pushing forces that lead people to migrate include better life opportunities, poverty as a result of war, political unrest and injustice, and environmental disasters. Businesses provide pulling factors for Latino migration by attracting immigrants in order to attain cheap labor. The sustained demand for cheap labor in the US gives undocumented immigrants an opportunity to work and†¦show more content†¦Smuggling, on the other hand, includes two willing parties engaged in payment for transportation with the relationship ending upon reaching destination. People planning to migrate in order to attain a better life are very susceptible to being victims of trafficking. Many are lured into accepting an opportunity to migrate when promised a decent paying job, but that are in reality exploitative and fraudulent. Unfortunately, there is a lack of awareness about trafficking of Latino immigrants, especially farm workers. This worsens the problem. Working without pay occurs regularly and getting paid less than promised is also common for undocumented migrants. Owners often â€Å"disappear† at the end of the working season and do not pay their workers. Farmers themselves often pay money out of their own earnings to â€Å"pay for safety materials and tools† needed to do the job. They are not provided with adequate protection and if they want it, they have to provide for themselves. (Barrick) Often victims pay to be smuggled into the US and are told that they would have legitimate jobs. Once they arrive, however, they are forced into prostitution such as what occurred in April when people were arrested (30 of which were from Winston Salem) for sex trafficking (Hinton). Law enforcement officers discovered a brothel that formed part of an organized prostitution ring that moved women and girlsShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking And The United States1066 Words   |  5 PagesHuman trafficking has always been a though subject. Most Americans prefer to believe that this is a problem of the past, that it simply does not occur anymore. Others accept the fact that human trafficking exist, but in a far away reality, an incident homed only in poor, third world countries. This couldn’t be farther away from the truth. Human trafficking is a real and current problem in the United States, California being a hotspot for this issue, and with the Super Bowl in 2016 the problem willRe ad MoreHuman Trafficking And The United States1417 Words   |  6 PagesEach year about 17,500 individuals are brought into the United States and become victims of human trafficking. Every country has this problem and it has become the 3rd largest illegal industry worldwide. Human Trafficking is the trade of humans mainly for sexual slavery, but also forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker and sometimes others who take part in this act. Human trafficking is also used for organs or tissues, including surrogacy, ova removal, or making theseRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The United States962 Words   |  4 Pagestakes for cases to be prosecuted and to gain protections is very extensive. Intensifying the existing laws to better defend human trafficking victims is critical.The United States Government, in 2000, certified the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act. This act helps prosecute traffickers and support victims. Since then the number of recognized victims of trafficking has risen as well as trials and social service providers working with survivors. Because of this it gives researchers anRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The United States Essay1585 Words   |  7 PagesLooking the other way while close to 50% of the human trafficking in the United States end up in prostitution, what is going on in these states. The over sexed country does not help to stop it when we constantly promote sex in almost every aspect of life. People are losing their life to find a way to get to the United States through different forms of smuggling. Are these the people that we should be letting get in this country? Right under our nose the women, girls are being coerced into prostitutionRead MoreHuman Trafficking : The United States1740 Words   |  7 PagesHUMAN TRAFFICKING IN THE UNITED STATES: WHY SOME STATES HAVE MORE HUMAN TRAFFICKING CALLS THAN OTHERS INTRODUCTION Human trafficking is a growing endemic affecting an estimated 35.8 million men, women, and children around the world annually, as reported by the Global Slavery Index (GSI). The United States is not immune to this problem and has successfully identified 21,434 cases of human trafficking through the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline since 2007. As with crimes of thisRead MoreHuman Trafficking : The United States1250 Words   |  5 Pagessomeone talks about child trafficking? Do you think of children from third world countries being kidnapped or sold into the black market of human trafficking? Most of us probably think of human trafficking as being an issue that poor countries just have but, that isn’t the case. Human trafficking is alive and sadly thriving in the United States. According to Trafficking Source Center, 5,544 cases of human trafficking were reported in the United States in 2015. With human trafficking being around for soRead MoreHuman Trafficki ng And The United States Essay751 Words   |  4 PagesFACT SHEET Human trafficking in the United States Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons or modern day slavery, is an affront to the most basic of human freedoms. Human trafficking is a crime that strikes at the very heart of the American promise: freedom. In response to this abhorrent crime, government agencies and nongovernmental organizations have formed strong and growing partnerships aimed at ending this violation of fundamental civil rights and human dignity. 1. WhatRead MoreHuman Trafficking in the United States1603 Words   |  6 Pagesother countries to people in the United States. Imports and exports to and from the U.S include products as wide ranged as food, clothes, and even people. Human trafficking is a worldwide problem, including the United States. Currently, there are approximately 20.9 million people enslaved throughout the world with 2.5 million located in the United States. About 14,500 - 17,500 of foreign nationals are trafficked into the United States every year (Human trafficking statistics). These statistics showRead MoreHuman Trafficking in the United States2403 Words   |  10 PagesHuman Trafficking The United States has always been known for sticking their nose in places where it does not belong. America has been part of wars that could have been avoided, scandals that had nothing to do with the United States. Millions of lives over the years could have been spared if America would have just simply stayed where they belong. What if though, America feels like they have to get involved in forging affairs if they think it can cause or is causing a problem on American soil orRead MoreHuman Trafficking : The United States2136 Words   |  9 PagesHuman trafficking is a prominent problem within the United States that is often overlooked. The definition of human trafficking is, â€Å"Human trafficking - the illegal practice of procuring or trading in human beings for the purpose of prostitution, forced labor, or other forms of exploitation† (â€Å"Human trafficking†). People in the United States believe that human trafficking is a problem that occurs in other less dev eloped countries compared to the United States. What these individuals do not realize

Monday, December 23, 2019

2.2 Competitors. As Mentioned Earlier, Burberry Positioned

2.2 Competitors As mentioned earlier, Burberry positioned itself as functionality luxury by being a top global brand worldwide. Burberry not only have rivals which contend directly such as Louis Vuitton and Chanel but also indirectly such as Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein which both having the same collections in lifestyles (Appendix 4). Louis Vuitton is one of the Burberry’s biggest yet strongest competitors in the field of fashion. It formes up its strategy by focusing on the customer trends, concentrates customer taste and build a effectively responsive supply chain before the trend emerge. In order to well served the customers, Louis Vuitton hired expert and specialized young workers to work with the merchandise design. And due to†¦show more content†¦Each of the collection with different theme ways out the elegancy which inspired consumer to wear with their own style (Ralph Lauren, 2016). In addition, it is charged with a higher price compared to Burberry collection. To sums up the above, Burberry focused it brand on the price level to come out with â€Å"fashion luxury and high quality at best affordable price† as its average supply chain does not have ability to compete with the fast fashion like Louis Vuitton (Hogarth, 2015). Louis Vuitton reported that its pricing level based around 40-45% is expensive than any other brand considered as the highest (The Economist, 2009). Consumers is likely to spend an average of $3000-4000 at Louis Vuitton while $2500 at Burberry. Through the Harvard Business Review by Keller, Sterthal Tybout (2002), the product life cycle (PLC) stage can influence frame of reference’s choice. The growth opportunities included with threats might emerge outside product’s category in later stages of PLC. According to Perez (2015), the unknown source of clothing has to be analysed before they navigate to others, an example given is eBay. With the addition of expanding its â€Å"eBay Valet† considered as professional service selling, the high-end clothing or accessories can be easily being sell out by pre-approved eBay sellers. 3.0 Points of Parity From the article stated in HarvardShow MoreRelatedLuxottica Group S.P.a - Cstr Course Project3594 Words   |  15 Pagesleading player in the eyewear market even as others struggled. We shall try to understand how the competitive landscape is changing and how the company is coping with it. We also look at how the company has endured the economic recession and how is it positioned to take on the emerging markets such as India and China. 2. Introduction: The Optical amp; Ophthalmic Industry in North America is a highly competitive industry, with a total estimated value of $26b. It is broken down into three key segments:

Sunday, December 15, 2019

201 Task a †Short Answer Questions Free Essays

201 Task A – Short Answer Questions Ai: Three different sources of information would be found on the internet, through the management and the policy and procedure folder. Aii: a)Three aspects of employment covered by law are Health and Safety, Training and most important a contract, the employee must have a contact of employment. b)Three main features of the current employment legislation are holiday’s entitlement, pay and sick. We will write a custom essay sample on 201 Task a – Short Answer Questions or any similar topic only for you Order Now Aiii: Employment laws exist to protect the best interests of the employees and employers without regulations there would be problems like workers being treated unjustly, unfairly and would cause minimum wages, safe working conditions and discrimination. Task B – Your work role Bi: The terms and conditions of my employment as in my contract are: Names of employee and employer Job title/description Date of employment Hours of work Place of work Remuneration Pensions Holidays Sickness/absences Uniform Training Disciplinary Rules Grievance Procedures Confidentiality Notice Retirement Bii: The information that is needed on my payslip is: Employee number Employee name National insurance number Payment details – Hours, Rate, Tax and Net pay Tax code Date of pay Biii: Two changes of personal information which I would report to my employer would be: Change of name ie. If a marriage or divorce has taken place Change of bank details Biv: The procedure if I wanted to raise a grievance at work would be: The line manager Write to the head of HR and the Administration at Shaw house An investigation of the facts of the case to obtain any evidence which may be relevant A formal hearing A written decision will be given from the Line Manager and Head of HR and Administration If necessary the right of appeal A note of recording would be placed on my personal file If needed an appeal in writing to a higher authority ie. President and 2 independent nominees and The Chief Executive Written decision to me after a complete investigation of the facts of the case Each stage would be placed on my personal file Bv: 1. Data protection – The major piece of legislation which covers confidential information is the Data Protection Act, the access to Health Records and the access to Personal Files Act. The Data held includes credit and financial information, membership of organisations, medical, health and social services records. 2. Grievance – Failure of procedures ie. See Biv 3. Conflict Management – 4. Anti-discriminatory practice – to prevent race, class, gender etc 5. Health and Safety – The home ensures that reasonable practicable Health and Safety and welfare of its employees and others will work in partnership to take steps to ensure that its statutory duties with regard to safety are met at all time. Training in First Aid, Fire, Moving and Positioning, maintaining the rules of the policies and procedures. 6. Confidentiality – During or after the termination of my employment am I to use or disclose to anyone (other than in the proper course of my employment with the initiation, any information on a confidential nature or protected by Data Protection Act. This relates to Beneficiaries, Supporters of the institution and institution itself. 7. Whistle blowing – In the past, people who have reported colleagues’ actions who they consider have been ill treated, neglected or abused residents have been regarded as troublemakers. Now it’s recognised that staff are likely to observe and report bad practice. A case could be a criminal offence, has been a legal obligate, a miscarriage of justice, an individual as failed the health and safety rules or that the environment has been damaged. Bvii: ) To deliver a high standard of resident care within the legislation and regulations. To maintain the dignity, Privacy and independence of residents. b)To not carry out the requirements of my role would be monitored by my employees, advised on training and supported to meet the standards. If after an informal discussion and support is not provided a constitutes misconducts the disciplinary procedure will be evoked. Bviii: Codes of Pra ctice – can help with standards of conduct that are expected to meet, to encouraged us to use the Code to examine our own practice and to look for areas in which you can improve. National Occupational Standards – can be used for recruitment and selection, jobs and evaluation, training, learning programmes and performance appraisals. Good employers invest in training the staff in order to remain competitive, provide individuals to improve skills and opportunities for career development. Legislation and Government initiatives – can to make sure those essential quality standards are being bet everywhere care is provided in the home and help to improve. They promote who uses the services and have a wide range of power to take action if services are unacceptably poor. Bix: Two Representative’s bodies: 1. Care Quality Commission – Their job is to make sure that care provided by hospitals, dentists, ambulances, care homes and services in people’s own homes and elsewhere meets national standards of quality and safety. 2. Macmillan Nurses: They specialise in cancer treatment and care, supporting people with cancer from the time they are diagnosed. They offer emotional support and practical advice to people with cancer and their families in the UK. They are highly trained in managing pain and other symptoms. Macmillan Nurses work with and advise the District Nurse or primary care team. Task C – Career Path I have been working in residential homes for 20 years. My children are 15 and 12 and are finding them independents, so I’m finding more time for me. At the moment I’m starting my NQV3 in Health and Social care which could lead me into becoming a senior in a few years time. Becoming a senior would mean more responsibly and training in nursing, this will build my confidence. I am keeping my options open for my future, my interests are counselling, caring in the community or work from the NHS as a paramedic technician/escort. Task D – Presentation or report Elderly people could be paying for care fees twice over There are concerns that some elderly people and their families could be paying for long term care twice over, as pre-funded policies bought in the 90s to cover care costs have been forgotten. In the early 90s, several insurers sold 44,000 policies to people mainly in their 60s, to meet the cost of care fees in old age. These policies could be paid for in either regular premiums or in a single lump sum. Most policies were bought by relatively young, healthy people for peace of mind, and in the hope that they would never need to claim. Thousands of families in Britain could be paying for care fees for family members in their 80s or older, unaware that their relative may have taken steps to cover part of their care cost already. The problem occurs when no one other than the policyholder knows about the pre-funded policy. Some people will now be suffering from dementia so they cannot remember the policy. A policy bought with a single premium over twenty years ago might be forgotten. If the children or person with power of attorney never knew about the plan it might not occur to them to investigate further. So people in care now may pay twice, because no one knows they established a plan some time ago. It would be advisable if family members or attorneys to search for long forgotten pre-funded policies, often issued by companies that have long since been history. There are companies that families can go to, to have peace of mind to know that existing long term care insurance policies are not only uncovered, but claimed on that are determined to pioneer a solution. They hope other providers will appreciate the seriousness of this situation so that together, they can put a process in place so that every person applying for an Immediate Needs Annuity has the opportunity. How to cite 201 Task a – Short Answer Questions, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Untitled Essay Research Paper Atlantis Atlantis We free essay sample

Untitled Essay, Research Paper Atlantis Atlantis: We will neer cognize Fantasy is a tough sell in the 20th century. The universe has been to the full discovered and to the full mapped. Popular media has efficaciously minimized the fable and the antic rumour, though to do up for this it has generated falsenesss non as munificent but merely as interesting. Satellites have mapped and studied the Earth, go forthing merely a infinite frontier that is every bit yet unapproachable. But standing out is a capturing phantasy the modern universe has yet to verify or reprobate: the lost continent of Atlantis. The male parent of the modern universe? s perceptual experience of Atlantis is Plato ( circa 428- circa 347 b.c. ) . ( 1 ) The Grecian philosopher spoke in his plants Timaeus and Critias of a continent in the Atlantic ocean larger than Africa and Asia Minor combined which rivaled Athens as the most advanced in the universe. ( 2 ) Harmonizing to the fable environing Plato? s duologues, the island of Atlantis was violently thrown into the sea by the forces of nature, and its few subsisters managed to swim ashore and associate their narrative. ( 3 ) There the fable was passed by word of oral cavity until an Egyptian priest related the narrative to Solon, a character in Timaeus. The priest admired the accomplishments of prehistoric Athenians, because when the swayers of Atlantis threatened to occupy all of Europe and Asia the Athenians, on behalf of all Greeks, defeated the Atlanteans to avoid captivity. ( 4 ) The plants of Plato opened the floodgates to endless guess on whether the continent described was fact or fiction. Atlantis has since been placed in Spain, Mongolia, Palestine, Nigeria, the Netherlands, Brazil, Sweden, Greenland and Yucatan. Every nook and crevice of the Earth has been hypothesized ; mountain extremums, desert lands, the ocean floor and even the waste barren of Antarctica have been m entioned in theories. ( 5 ) While some of these theories are compatible with Plato? s plants and are within comparative ground, legion crank theories have been developed utilizing the lost continent as a footing. One of these theories, posted on the computing machine cyberspace where it has entree to over 15 million people, negotiations in 21 pages of pre-historical lands with names like Oz and Luxor. These universe broad web pages list over two 100 separate articles of cogent evidence for the being of Atlantis, as in the followers: ( 6 ) ? Most all ancient civilisations believed in the TITANS, the race of elephantine worlds that inhabited Earth long ago. Different races knew them by different names. These 7 to 12 pes androids were thought to be legendary until the digging of over a twelve skeletons 8 to 12 pess tall, around the universe, aghast archaeologists. These skeletons were positively human. Some of these skeletal remains are on Maui in lava caves near Ulupalakua and Olowalu . The Spanish Conquistadors left journals of wild blond-haired, fair-haired 8 to 12 pes high work forces running about in the Andes during the conquering of the Incas. A twosome were reportedly captured but died en path to Europe. If elephantine animate beings ( dinosaurs ) were possible so why non elephantine work forces? And why are these Goliaths dwelling both Eurasia a nd the Americas? Only on a land bridge created by the vast continent of Antarctica can there be a sufficient bridge for the spread of these giants.?(7) This text, written by self-proclaimed Atlantologist Steve Omar, represents Plato?s text taken to the extreme- using his ideas as a basis for outlandish and unfounded ideas. These unverified fantasies make a dubious complement to the other dark side of the Atlantean fantasy: hoaxes. Atlantis has been ?discovered? many times, but most notably in the fall of 1912 by Dr. Paul Schliemann. Schliemann introduced himself as the grandson of the famous Heinrich Schliemann, the archeologist who discovered the ruins of ancient Troy in 1873. His ?discovery? made front page news (The New York American, October 1912.) and boasted of an advanced civilization with aircraft, power-driven boats and the like. Schliemann said his grandfather told him on his deathbed of the family?s secret: the location of Atlantis. Schliemann?s claims made waves, but di dn?t hold water; when pressed for details, Schliemann was unresponsive and eventually disappeared from public view. (8) Unfortunately, the falsities concerning Atlantis frequently overshadow the possibilities. The subject has gathered its share of honest journalists as well. Ignatius Donnelly wrote the first extensive study of the possibility of existence in 1882, and his views have not been found to be false with twentieth century technology. Donnelly believed in Atlantis, but believed it to be worldly; his reasons for Atlantis?s existence are unable to be proven, but make sense. Some examples: -There is nothing improbable in Plato?s narrative; it describes rich, cultured and educated people but doesn?t mention things of fantasy like giants, hobgoblins etc. (9) -Plato speaks of hot and cold springs in the center of Atlantis, a feature common to islands with volcanic activity. Chances are Plato didn?t know this. (9) -Plato says in his stories that the Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, is always seen on a chariot with horses because he was originally the god of Atlantis, where horses were domesticated. But when Atlantis fell to the sea, the Greeks believed Poseidon brought his horses with him. (9) Responding partly to Donnelley?s theories and partly to the urge to discover, some 20th century archeologists have used twentieth century technology to look for Atlantis. But many have dismissed Atlantis as glorified myths of volcanic eruptions in the island of Thera in 1450 b.c. The eruption may have destroyed that island and caused a small earthquake and tsunamis that ruined the civilization of Crete, but didn?t sink a continent. (10) Therefore, none of Donnelley?s theories can be proved without the actual discovery of the continent. The legend of Atlantis is only a huge collection of theories and guesses, but theories and guesses also led to the discovery of the lost Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, discovered after being buried and preserved by the volca nic ash of nearby Mt. Vesuvius. Because of this, the mystery of Atlantis?s existence will tantalize the world until the continent is either proven or disproven. (11)

Friday, November 29, 2019

Revolutions Evolve In Definite Phases. At First They Are Essays

"Revolutions evolve in definite phases. At first they are moderate in scope, then they become radical to excess and finally they are brought to abrupt conclusions by the emergence of a strong man to restore order." Discuss this statement with specific references to the French Revolution. The French Revolution brought about great changes in the society and government of France. The revolution, which lasted from 1789 to 1799, also had far-reaching effects on the rest of Europe. "It introduced democratic ideals to France but did not make the nation a democracy. However, it ended supreme rule by French kings and strengthened the middle class." (Durant, 12) After the revolution began, no European kings, nobles, or other members of the aristocracy could take their powers for granted or ignore the ideals of liberty and equality. The revolution began with a government financial crisis but quickly became a movement of reform and violent change. In one of the early events, a crowd in Paris captured the Bastille, a royal fortress and hated symbol of oppression. A series of elected legislatures then took control of the government. King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette, were executed. Thousands of others met the same fate in a period known as the Reign of Terror. The revolution ended when Napoleon Bonaparte, a French general, took over the government. At the beginning of the revolution, events seemed minor and proceeded in a logical fashion. One of the reasons the revolution originated was the discontent among the lower and middle classes in France. By law, society was divided in to three groups called estates. The first estate was made of up clergy, nobles comprised the second and the rest of the citizens, the third estate. The third estate resented certain advantages of the first two estates. The clergy and nobles did not have to pay most taxes. The third estate, especially the peasants, had to provide almost all the country's tax revenue. Many members of the middle class were also worried by their social status. They were among the most important people in French society but were not recognized as such because they belonged to the third estate. "Financial crisis developed because the nation had gone deeply into debt to finance the Seven Years War (1756-1763) and the Revolutionary War (1775-1783)." (Durant, 22) The Parliament of Paris insisted that King Louis XVI could borrow more money or raise taxes only by calling a meeting of the States-General. The States-General was made up of representatives of the three estates, and had last met in 1614. Unwillingly, the king called the meeting. The States-General opened on May 5, 1789, at Versailles. The first two estates wanted each estate to take up matters and vote on them separately by estate. The third estate had has many representatives as the other two combined. It insisted that all the estates be merged into one national assembly and that each representative had one vote. The third estate also wanted the States-General to write a constitution. The king and the first two estates refused the demands of the third estate. In June 1789, the representatives of the third estate declared themselves the National Assembly of France. Louis the XVI them allowed the three estates to join together as the National Assembly. But he began to gather troops around Paris to break up the Assembly. Meanwhile, the masses of France also took action. On July 14, 1789, a huge crowd of Parisians rushed to the Bastille. They believed they would find arms and ammunition there for use in defending themselves against the king's army. The people captured the Bastille and began to tear it down. Massive peasant uprisings were also occurring in the countryside. The king's removal led to a new stage in the revolution. The first stage had been a liberal middle-class reform movement based on a constitutional monarchy. The second stage was organized around principles of democracy. The National Convention opened on September 21, 1792, and declared France a republic. "Louis XVI was placed on trial for betraying the country. The National Convention found him guilty of treason , and a slim majority voted for the death-penalty. The king was beheaded on the guillotine on January 21, 1793. The revolution gradually grew more radical-that is more open to extreme and violent change. Radical leaders came into prominence. In the Convention, they were known as the mountain because they sat on the high benches at the rear of the hall during meetings. Leaders of the Mountain were Maximilien Robespierre, Georges Jacques Danton, and Jean Paul Marat. The Mountain dominated a powerful political club called the Jacobin Club. "Growing disputes between

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on The Day After Tomorrow

The Hollywood production The Day After Tomorrow is the story of an abrupt climate change, with extreme and catastrophic effects which will, in consequence, lead to the onset of a new ice age. As a result of global warming, polar ice caps melt, which disrupt the Gulf Stream (part of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation). The North Atlantic region cools while heat builds up in the tropics. The result is a severe storm, causing catastrophe and a dramatic change in the global climate. I think that this film is very helpful in the way that it raises awareness on the issue of global warming. However, there were many obvious scientific facts which have been manipulated in this film, such as; an abrupt climate change, temperatures plummeting to freezing in a matter of hours, a massive snowstorm, tornadoes striking Los Angeles and soccer ball-sized hail falling on Tokyo. I think that the probability of all this destruction occurring over the short time-span of a few weeks is ridiculous. Thes e types of consequences of global warming are not expected to occur all of a sudden, but not for another century or so. They will occur gradually, and be less intense. One fictitious aspect in the movie was when temperatures in New York City plunge from sizzling to freezing in hours. This factor has no real scientific structure and I think it is strictly used for increasing the dramatic effect of this movie. Although temperatures are descending as a result of global warming, they are not changing nearly as rapidly or dramatically as depicted in the movie. Over the last hundred years, global temperatures have only increased by almost 1 degree. In a warmer world, additional rain at middle and high latitudes, plus melt from glaciers, would add more fresh water to the oceans. This could affect important ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream, that transport heat north from the equatorial regions and might result in parts of North America and Europe becoming re... Free Essays on The Day After Tomorrow Free Essays on The Day After Tomorrow The Hollywood production The Day After Tomorrow is the story of an abrupt climate change, with extreme and catastrophic effects which will, in consequence, lead to the onset of a new ice age. As a result of global warming, polar ice caps melt, which disrupt the Gulf Stream (part of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation). The North Atlantic region cools while heat builds up in the tropics. The result is a severe storm, causing catastrophe and a dramatic change in the global climate. I think that this film is very helpful in the way that it raises awareness on the issue of global warming. However, there were many obvious scientific facts which have been manipulated in this film, such as; an abrupt climate change, temperatures plummeting to freezing in a matter of hours, a massive snowstorm, tornadoes striking Los Angeles and soccer ball-sized hail falling on Tokyo. I think that the probability of all this destruction occurring over the short time-span of a few weeks is ridiculous. Thes e types of consequences of global warming are not expected to occur all of a sudden, but not for another century or so. They will occur gradually, and be less intense. One fictitious aspect in the movie was when temperatures in New York City plunge from sizzling to freezing in hours. This factor has no real scientific structure and I think it is strictly used for increasing the dramatic effect of this movie. Although temperatures are descending as a result of global warming, they are not changing nearly as rapidly or dramatically as depicted in the movie. Over the last hundred years, global temperatures have only increased by almost 1 degree. In a warmer world, additional rain at middle and high latitudes, plus melt from glaciers, would add more fresh water to the oceans. This could affect important ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream, that transport heat north from the equatorial regions and might result in parts of North America and Europe becoming re...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Week 4 Assignment Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 4 Assignment Paper - Essay Example Of the points raised in the readings, I agree that inclusion issues dealing with disability differ from country to country, expressed in Chapter 10. However, these differences are caused by more than just prejudice, being strongly influenced also by economics and legislation. On the other hand, I disagree with the point made by Steve Bucherati in Chapter 9, that community involvement is evident when a firm manufactures a good that is patronized by all segments of the market. For me, this simply means the firm has adopted the mass production strategy. These insights into community involvement, social responsibility, and diversity and inclusion, will help me, as a sales representative and agent of St Jude Medical, to create stronger and more meaningful bonds between my company and the public it relates to. In Chapter 10, I agree that inclusion issues dealing with disability differ from country to country; however, these differences are caused by more than just prejudice. There are economic considerations, such as in those countries where the population is large, labor is cheap, and the great number of able-bodied, qualified and skilled workers is more than enough labor supply for the existing industries. With the high rate of unemployment and largely manual production processes, it is not so much that the disabled are discriminated against, but that it is likewise an injustice to turn down more capable, equally jobless, workers who would be more useful to the business. There are also legal considerations; some governments provide wage subsidies for businesses which employ the disabled (Europa, 2008; EBU, 2012), but in other countries there are no such provisions. Ultimately, therefore, the decision to hire disabled applicants does not proceed solely from some sense of altruism, but to avail of government incentives for businesses which do so – thereby reducing costs and enhancing profits. Multinationals might therefore practice diversity where it

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS - Essay Example The tools of communication include most importantly the direct marketing and public relations. These tools help the businesses in promoting and advertising themselves in a sophisticated manner depending upon their nature of products and services. Both of them are effective in enabling the businesses communicate with its customers. The concept of public relations pertains to the activity of carrying the flow of information between the public and the organization. This tactic gives the organization an opening to the audiences by utilizing the news items that do not need direct payments. The strategies of direct marketing primarily promote the products and increase their awareness amongst customers. While, the public relations activities involve making the image of the company and brand in the entire public. Direct marketing only promotes and advertises the individual products to the buyers. While, public relations is more important in the senses that it promotes the organization and product lines by building its image at the social level. The direct marketing tactics give an idea of the price at which the product can be sold by the marketers. While, the public relations person aims upon gauging the reactions and perceptions of public for the purpose of marketing the product. The tools of communication mix include advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing. The retailers can use all this tools in an effective manner to promote their products and services. Advertising can be used by the retailers to create awareness about the store or the product for the purpose of creating a good image in the minds of customers. It convinces them by creating a desire in them to purchase the product and assists the store’s repositioning in their minds. The retailers can also utilize personal selling as one of the effective ways to deliver their products and services. A personal representative

Monday, November 18, 2019

Page 50 51 and Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Page 50 51 and - Assignment Example Sketching an outline for a thesis is a good exercise for developing writing abilities. Check if each topic sentence clearly supports the thesis. Consider changing the organization if topic sentences and paragraphs are not connected to one another. Consider also changing the thesis if writing about the topic reveals something new. Change the essay, redraft change thesis and topic sentences. Be open to changing the essay if it doesn’t work out. Nothing is permanent when it comes to writing. Changes can happen as we collect information and develop arguments, paragraphs. Paragraph development. Beginning writers have weakness in developing paragraphs, so must practice in developing them by using topic sentence and information to support topic sentences. Each paragraph must support the topic sentence in different ways- explain, define, give examples, any way to support the topic sentence. Give sufficient information and evidence to support the topic sentence. Make information, clear and specific. Another example of fully developed paragraph. Used many examples to support the topic sentence. More convincing because of stories and examples that prove that Jesse James is a Robin Hood kind of outlaw. They all say something about the topic sentence- connection, unity is clear. Give more evidence to develop the paragraph. Give information that is connected to the topic sentence. Again, think of unity and coherence for each paragraph. Check each paragraph for unclear ideas or sentences that are not connected to the topic

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Human Trafficking Legal Provisions and Government Responses

Human Trafficking Legal Provisions and Government Responses 1. The trafficking of women, drugs and diamonds involve huge numbers of individuals and groups, there is a higher degree of transnationalism and trade patterns are very complex. There are thousands of human traffickers operating independently within relatively hierarchical groups and exploit tens of thousands of women and girls often in cross border operations that violate countries sovereignty. Under international law governments are obligated to protect their citizens from being trafficked through policies and programmes that aim at prevention and protection of victims. 2. A review of the laws and provisions of various countries provides an impression of the growing awareness and recognition of the issues relating to trafficking across the world. Most of these countries have made efforts to amend their existing laws or to introduce new legislation in consonance with international instruments. 3. Most European countries and US have adopted legislation against human trafficking. The same holds good for South and South East Asian countries including India and her neighbours. Infact in March 1998 in recognition of International Womens Day President Clinton issued an Executive Memorandum on Steps to Combat Trafficking that pledges to combat trafficking in women and girls with a focus on areas of prostitution, victim assistance and protection, and enforcement. The role that various government agencies will play is also outlined. International Framework of Laws An overview of select protocols and conventions that regulate trafficking at the international level is listed at Appendix E- International Framework of Laws Related to Trafficking. Regional Legal Instruments The framework of law in countries of South Asia is listed at Appendix F- Legal Framework in South Asian Countries. India   Initiatives to combat trafficking 4. Prevention and com bating Trafficking of Human Beings has received the highest priority in India and as the problem is multi dimensional, we have adopted a multi-pronged strategy to address the issue. Indias approach to combating trafficking is holistic, participative and inclusive and is not just restricted to primary or direct intervention against trafficking but seeks to eradicate the menace through empowering the potential victims. 4.1 Constitutional and Legal Framework to address Trafficking 4.1.1 India has a fairly wide framework of laws enacted by the Parliament as well as some of the State legislatures in addition to the various constitutional provisions. These are listed in Appendix G à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"Legal Framework to Address Trafficking in India. 4.1.2 The premier legislation to tackle trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation is the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956. The Act is being amended in order to further strengthen the various provisions. Salient features of the amendments to ITPA Re-defi ne the age of the child from 16 to 18 years. Deletion of sections, which re-victimize the victims. In-Camera proceedings in Courts to safeguard privacy of victims. Enhanced punishment for traffi ckers, brothel keepers, pimps etc. Punishment for persons who visit brothels for commercial sexual exploitation. Defi nition of traffi cking adopted from the UN Protocol. Setting-up of Centre and State nodal authorities in the States for preventing and combating offence of traffi cking through coordination, investigation, rescue, rehabilitation, judicial support, research and training. 4.2 International Commitments 4.2.1 India is a signatory to a number of international instruments such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and its Optional Protocols; Convention on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime with its UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children supplementing above Convention and Millennium Development Goals. 4.2.2 It is also part of major SAARC initiatives for South Asia which includeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution; SAARC Convention on Regional arrangements for Promotion of Child Welfare in South Asia; SAARC Charter where trafficking issues are to be addressed at regional level. 4.3 Institutional Mechanisms India has a federal set up where law enforcement and public order are primarily State subjects. However, the Central Government too shares responsibility with the States for tackling organized crime such as commercial sexual exploitation rests with the Ministry of Women and Child Development, while the Ministry of Labour deals with all matters related to labour. The Ministry of Home Affairs is responsible for ensuring the enforcement of the various legislations related to the criminal activity of trafficking An example of Centre State collaboration is the high-level Central Advisory Committee to Combat Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation to deliberate on various aspects on trafficking and recently has formulated Blue Print for Action in the area of Inter-State Rescue Protocol, Prevention, Rehabilitation, Health, Legislation and Management Information System. The Ministry of Social Justice has taken initiatives to prepare a user-friendly system for speedy and effective restoration of missing, abducted/kidnapped and runaway children to their families. As there is a direct linkage between missing persons and trafficking. Therefore, a concerted effort to address the issue of missing women and children will be of immense use and help in preventing and combating trafficking. The Government of India has also set-up autonomous organizations such as National Human Rights Commission, National Commission for Women and National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, which seek to protect the rights of women and children. Policies and Protocols National Plan of Action to Prevent and Combat Human Trafficking with special focus on Children and Women was formulated in 1998, with the objective of mainstreaming and re-integrating women and child victims of commercial sexual exploitation in to the community. The National Plan of Action for Children, 2005 commits itself to ensure that all rights of all children up to the age of 18 years are protected. National Policy for Empowerment of Women, 2001 aims to bring about the advancement, development and empowerment of women. Protocol for Pre-rescue, Rescue and Post-rescue Operations of Child Victims of Trafficking for the Purpose of Commercial Sexual Exploitation provides guidelines for enforcement agencies and NGOs involved in the rescue of victims from their place of exploitation, medical and legal procedures to be followed and rehabilitative measures to be provided to the victims. Protocol on Prevention, Rescue, Repatriation and Rehabilitation of Trafficked and Migrant Child Labour aims to ensure smooth rescue, repatriation and rehabilitation of trafficked and migrant child labour. A blue print of action in interalia the following areas has also been developed: Protocol on Inter-State Rescue and Post-rescue Activities Relating to Trafficked Persons providing guidelines to the State Governments on the inter-state rescue operations, the modalities involved, precautions to be undertaken and responsibility of various stakeholders in providing services to the rescued victim. Prevention of Trafficking of Women and Children à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" It provides for various steps to be undertaken to prevent trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation and includes formation of adolescent groups and community vigilance groups, anti-trafficking regional networks, appropriate interventions that should be taken up in brothel areas to prevent second-generation prostitution, special measures targeting those communities traditionally involved in commercial sex work and rehabilitation of women who have become old to carry on the profession and are in need of care and protection. Rehabilitation of Victims of Traffi cking à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" It provides for action points related to areas of rehabilitation such as care and support programmes, community based rehabilitation, custody of victims, education and skill building of victims and their ultimate rehabilitation in the society. Human Trafficking Management Information System (HTMIS) provides a format for enforcement agencies to collect data on trafficked victims and traffickers. Programmes and Schemes The Ministry of Women and Child Development runs Shelter homes (Swadhar and Short Stay Homes) for women in difficult circumstances. These also cater to rescued trafficked victims and provides for shelter, food, clothing for women and children, counseling, clinical, medical, legal and other support, training and economic rehabilitation and helpline facilities. A relatively recent sheme known as Ujjawala (Radiance of light) is a Comprehensive Scheme for Prevention of Trafficking and Rescue, Rehabilitation and Re-integration of Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation. Dhanalakshmi, is a conditional cash transfer scheme for girl child with insurance cover linked to various milestones in a girls life. It is expected that the scheme would ensure that the girl child is not only born but also that she is enrolled and retained in school which would decrease her vulnerability to traffi cking, child labour, child marriage etc. The Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) scheme aims to provide for children in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection improved institutional care, quality non-institutional, adoption and alternative care, counselling and family support, training and capacity building, CHILDLINE services ,child tracking system and website for missing children. While programs and schemes to rehabilitate and reintegrate victims of trafficking are no doubt important, the mechanisms to prevent the occurrence of trafficking or to create an enabling environment to prevent trafficking is equally if not more important. This is particularly important as trafficking is essentially a developmental issue. Economic Empowerment of women Poverty makes women and children vulnerable to trafficking. Hence poverty alleviation programs feature high in the list to combat trafficking and at the same time achieve economic empowerment. India has embarked on massive poverty alleviation and income generation programs where women beneficiaries are significantly involved. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme ensures at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year with 30% reservation for women beneficiaries. Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women provides updated skills and new knowledge to poor and asset less women in the traditional sectors such as dairy development, animal husbandry sericulture, handloom and social forestry. The Self Help Group (SHG) movement and linking such groups to credit facilities especially micro credit facilities is effectively used in India for both poverty reduction and a conduit for routing a wide range of social development messages and schemes.. The scheme of Swayamsidha Priyadarshini etc are some such schemes based on mobilization of women into Self-Help Groups. The Rashtriya Mahila Kosh an exclusive micro credit agency for women which provides credit to poor and asset-less women in the informal sector. Social and Political Empowerment of Women Economic empowerment of women cannot deliver desired outcomes unless judiciously combined with social and political empowerment. Education was made a Fundamental Right through the 86th Constitutional Amendment. Universalization of Elementary Education, namely the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, has a pronounced gender focus, and creates an enabling environment for encouraging more and more girls to attend schools with various incentives. The National Rural Health Mission aims to improve the availability of and access to equitable, affordable and effective health care to rural people especially poor women and children. To tackle discrimination in the provision of adequate and timely nutrition the National Nutrition Mission addresses the problems of malnutrition in a holistic manner. The Food and Nutrition Board of the MWCD has regional centers and community food and nutrition education units for mass awareness, nutrition education etc. for women and children. The program for Integrated Child Development Services is the largest child care program where children below 6 years and their mothers are provided nutritional and immunization health inputs. In this process, the programme enables an in-built tracking system to ensure the well-being and safety of the beneficiaries. Adolescent girls are highly prone to many forms of violence and abuse especially trafficking . Specific interventions for the welfare of these girls is undertaken through Nutrition Programme for Adolescent Girls where under-weight girls are provided with additional food grains per month. Similarly the Kishori Shakti Yojana program aims at holistic improvement of these girls and equipping them with vocational skills so that they can be gainfully engaged. Political empowerment-Indias concern for safeguarding the democratic rights and privileges of women finds its best expression in the Constitution of India with provisions which empower the State to make affirmative discrimination in favour of women. In a significantly gender empowering measure, the 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Constitution, enabled a 1/3rd reservation of seats for women in the local governance or Panchayat Raj Institutions in the rural and urban areas. These special measures ushered in nearly 1 million women in the electoral fora and decision-making bodies. Gender Budgeting -To ensure that all facets and sectors of the economy are gender sensitive the Government has initiated the process of Gender budgeting which encompasses incorporating a gender perspective and sensitiveness in all sectors à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" be it economic or social. Training and Capacity Building As the tasks for combating trafficking is to be performed by multi stakeholders, the government has laid stress on training and capacity building of different stakeholders such as NGOs, police, Social Workers, Medical Officers, Judiciary and Counselors with comprehensive resource material and communication strategies. Cross border One of the concerns of the Government of India is the problem associated with cross-border trafficking. The Regional Task Force of SAARC for implementation of the SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution met for the first time in New Delhi on 26th June, 07 in New Delhi. The decisions taken in the SAARC Meeting included sharing best practices, setting up a toll free phone number for use of victims, capacity building and training programmes, wherever possible harmonizing national legislations to tackle trafficking and development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for operationalising the Convention, including repatriation of victims. To address the issue of cross-border trafficking between India and Bangladesh, the Ministry of Women and Child Development in collaboration with Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of External Affairs, UNICEF and Bangladesh Counterparts are in the process for formulating and finalizing a victim friendly Roadmap and Joint Plan of Action for safe, humane and quick repatriation of trafficked victims. Under this, both Indian and Bangladesh have identified that their respective Ministry of Home Affairs would be the focal point for repatriation of trafficked victims. The roadmap and joint plan of action would include §streamlining procedures and processes for safe and quick repatriation of cross border victims to and from Bangladesh; develop uniform checklists/ proformas /guidelines/protocols/case management systems for identification/ registration /interviewing; make appropriate provisions for the care and maintenance of children during the repatriation process; promote exchange of technical skills, especially of skill training/capacity building; set up safe, secure transit points /transit camps at border with adequate physical facilities. Given the seriousness of the trans-border trafficking scenario on the borders, interface has been organised between the law-enforcement officials, NGOs, etc. at various places. For example, a meeting are held between Indian officials and the appropriate authorities in Nepal and Bangladesh. Holistic Approach to Trafficking To formulate a more holistic policy and program for trafficking in persons which will incorporate all forms of trafficking (such as sexual exploitation, child labour, bonded labour, organ trade etc) and enable an integrated approach to tackle the problem, the MWCD in collaboration with Ministry of Home Affairs, National Human Rights Commission and National Commission for Women is formulating an Integrated Plan of Action to Prevent and Combat Trafficking of Human Beings, with special focus on Women and Children. International Cooperation You will all agree that International collaborations, co-operations and sharing of knowledge and information are key to address the global ramifications of trafficking. In all our efforts, our UN partners have been very proactive. The UNODC GIFT programme aims in the South Asia Region to heighten the awareness on the various facets of trafficking. The Delhi Declaration as a collaborative effort between GOI and UNODC has avery strong commitment to protect all children from sexual exploitation and stringent measures against sex selection and violence against the girl child, evolve a synergistic approach in dealing with trafficking issues, reduce demand for prostitution, use of child labour, forced labour and to strengthen the collaborative efforts of NGOs, local Governments, and other institutions to prevent all forms of trafficking. In conclusion, it can be stated that the Union Government and the state governments have taken several initiatives to address the various issues related to the trafficking of women and children. The Plan of Action by the Union Government and their monitoring of the implementation of the programmes in the states have made a notable impact in addressing several aspects of prevention, protection and prosecution. There is clearly an undercurrent of gender discrimination and consequent exploitation in human trafficking. This can be addressed only if the issue of gender is integrated with schemes, programmes and policies in all the relevant sectors. Counter-trafficking measures, especially those relating to prevention and rehabilitation, should be integrated with the policies and programmes of all the related departments. Only such a holistic approach can, in the long run, provide the required empowerment to women and children, especially those in vulnerable circumstances, and equip them w ith safe livelihood options, rights awareness and guarantee against exploitation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Theme of Friendship in Julius Caeser :: Julius Caesar Essays

The Theme of Friendship in Julius Caeser Throughout, William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, the theme of friendship would prove to be a very delicate and manipulative element. This element would be the very entity that would seal Julius Caesar's fate. Brutus, Decius, and all the other conspirators would use this to their power, and to Julius's weakness. Friendship was used as a cover to blind Julius from the truth, from the plots against him. Flattery along with manipulation was used as a way of persuasion to soothe any feelings of doubt or weariness. These essentials would gain trust, the key to all friendships. This trust would be lost and transform into betrayal. Even though Caesar was plotted against and murdered by the likes of Brutus and Cassius, friendship still proved a strong theme because it would cloke the conspirators intentions. Julius was vulnerable to the power of friendship and was blinded by the shrewd ways of Decius, Brutus, and all the other conspirators. Decius uses flattery and persuasion to form a strong union with Caesar. Decius is an active member of the Conspirators, so he is very motivated into getting Caesar to go to the Senate House. The first thing that Decius says when he walks into Caesar's house is "Caesar, all hail! Good morrow, worthy Caesar." Decius would also refer to Caesar as "most mighty". This would only make Caesar grow comfortable with Decius. Julius had lost all feelings of doubt and did not presume any caste of dire plot against him. Decius would deceive Julius into thinking that they had a resilient friendship by using his devious words. Caesar was not able to foresee his true faithful friends, such as Antony. He would grieve the killing of Julius and try to justify his murder by killing Brutus and Cassius. Antony was one of Julius's true and trustworthy friends. The conspirators had planned the death of Julius. Brutus and Cassius, along with Decius, knew they had draw in to Caesar close. Proving Caesar that they had a firm friendship, that would solidify their situation and leave Julius completely sightless to his doomed fate. Caesar's wife Calphurnia would have a dream. She would see Caesar's statue run with blood and men with swords surrounding him. The Theme of Friendship in Julius Caeser :: Julius Caesar Essays The Theme of Friendship in Julius Caeser Throughout, William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, the theme of friendship would prove to be a very delicate and manipulative element. This element would be the very entity that would seal Julius Caesar's fate. Brutus, Decius, and all the other conspirators would use this to their power, and to Julius's weakness. Friendship was used as a cover to blind Julius from the truth, from the plots against him. Flattery along with manipulation was used as a way of persuasion to soothe any feelings of doubt or weariness. These essentials would gain trust, the key to all friendships. This trust would be lost and transform into betrayal. Even though Caesar was plotted against and murdered by the likes of Brutus and Cassius, friendship still proved a strong theme because it would cloke the conspirators intentions. Julius was vulnerable to the power of friendship and was blinded by the shrewd ways of Decius, Brutus, and all the other conspirators. Decius uses flattery and persuasion to form a strong union with Caesar. Decius is an active member of the Conspirators, so he is very motivated into getting Caesar to go to the Senate House. The first thing that Decius says when he walks into Caesar's house is "Caesar, all hail! Good morrow, worthy Caesar." Decius would also refer to Caesar as "most mighty". This would only make Caesar grow comfortable with Decius. Julius had lost all feelings of doubt and did not presume any caste of dire plot against him. Decius would deceive Julius into thinking that they had a resilient friendship by using his devious words. Caesar was not able to foresee his true faithful friends, such as Antony. He would grieve the killing of Julius and try to justify his murder by killing Brutus and Cassius. Antony was one of Julius's true and trustworthy friends. The conspirators had planned the death of Julius. Brutus and Cassius, along with Decius, knew they had draw in to Caesar close. Proving Caesar that they had a firm friendship, that would solidify their situation and leave Julius completely sightless to his doomed fate. Caesar's wife Calphurnia would have a dream. She would see Caesar's statue run with blood and men with swords surrounding him.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Pragmatism Is the Philosophy of Practicality

INTRODUCTION Philosophy is a hypothetical interpretation of the unknown. It is a point of view that provides a logical, rational, and valid basis for educational effort and criteria for the selection of a sound educational practice. Philosophy of Education Educating children profoundly affects their lives and influences the life of anyone who comes into contact with those children. Education provides a foundation for a child to start his life. Without a true education, it becomes impossible for an individual to provide for themselves and their family.Also, well-educated people can make decisions that benefit both their own interests and the interests of society as a whole. In some cases, philosophies of education do contradict and oppose each other, like for instance, idealism as opposed to the philosophy of naturalism. In fact we cannot question it because they have different points of view as regard to education. STATEMENT OF POSITION Pragmatism is the philosophy of practicality an d usefulness. Pragmatists see the world as a place for experience of all kinds.Pragmatism believes changes in education and opposes traditional education. Gaining of knowledge for the sake of knowledge is not the real aim of education. This philosophy focuses mental, religious and aesthetic forms of human activity. If I were a teacher, I would go with the philosophy of pragmatism. For me pragmatism is shooting two birds in one stone, you are thinking and you are putting it into action. I don’t prefer a class sitting, writing, and reading books only, without applying it.The effectiveness of our ideas, statements and concept must be seen on our actions. In pragmatism, schools and other educational institutions are flexible, they can remain alive, active and satisfy the changing needs of the society and provide real experiences through activities. It is not only a center of education but a center of community because a school that inculcates the philosophy of pragmatism is a tru e representation of a society. Pragmatic teacher are the one who first succeed in the teaching-learning process.The teacher acts as a friend, guide and philosopher to the child to gain close and positive relationship so that it is easier for them to teach and handle problems in the teaching process. As an experience-based philosophy, the curriculum includes useful activities, experiences and subjects that are useful to the present needs of the learner and also for the future expectations of adult life. It also contains skills to develop the learners which develop social and purposeful attitude. They oppose bookish knowledge and condemn those methods which promote knowledge which is not useful.The learners are keen to try things out; they want concepts that can be applied. They tend to become impatient with discussion type. They learn best when techniques are shown and they have the chance to try it out. They are also open to innovation as long as effective in the educational process . CONCLUSION Pragmatism is an attitude and a way of living which opposing the old doctrines of idealism and naturalism and inspire the individual to look ahead and create new values for an unknown future, so that he leads a better, happier and richer life.The importance of studying pragmatism as a philosophy is to understand deeply the educational process. Each fundamental aspect has a basic function in the education process. To me an effective educator is, first and foremost, someone who genuinely cares about the quality of the education a student is receiving. My memories of great teachers always involve teachers who obviously put time and thought into actions with their lessons. They offered their time to students who wanted to improve.I think that as an educator you should put into practice all the thoughts and bright ideas into action necessary to make your lessons thoughtful and hopefully fun Pragmatism serves as our guide in the educational process. Through this, we can also have a brighter understanding on how education would be. It would probably a great help for us to have all this things for the fulfilment of our good towards education. References: Singh, Y. K. (2007). Philosophical Foundation of Education. New Delhi: A P H Publishing. Shahid, S. M. (2000). Philosophy of Education. Lahore: Majeed Book Depot.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Teaching the Functional Skill of Tooth Brushing

Teaching the Functional Skill of Tooth Brushing Tooth brushing is both an important functional life skill and an appropriate skill for school intervention.   Other functional life skills like showering may be appropriate in residential settings, but its necessary to remember that only a small minority of students are in residential placements   In that way, tooth brushing is a pivotal skill in a way  that will lead to success in other task analysis based skill programs.  Once a student understands how completing one step leads to the next, they will more quickly acquire new skills.   Tooth Brushing Task Analysis First, you need to start with a task analysis, which lays out the discrete steps that a child must complete in order to complete the entire task. These need to be operationalized or described in a clear way that any two observers would see the behavior and identify it in the same way.  Below is a straightforward task analysis. Remove toothpaste and toothbrush from the drawerTurn on cold waterWet toothbrush     Ã‚  Ã‚     Remove cap from toothpaste     Ã‚  Ã‚  Squeeze 3/4 inch of  toothpaste on bristles   Ã‚  Ã‚     Place brush with toothpaste into the top right side of the mouthBrush up and downPlace brush into the left top sideBrush up and downRepeat on right bottomRepeat on left bottomBrush front top and bottom teethRinse mouth with water from water glass  Ã‚  Rinse your brush in the sinkReplace brush and toothpasteTurn off water Instructional Strategy Once you have a task analysis that fits your students need, you have to choose how you will teach it.   Students with a significantly disabling disability may need either forward or backward chaining, teaching one or two steps at a time, mastering each before moving on, or  your student may be able to learn the whole task, using visual prompts, or even a list, for students with strong language skills. Forward Chaining:  Forward chaining  is recommended for a student who is capable of learning multiple steps quickly, over a short span of time.  A student with good receptive language may respond quickly to modeling and some verbal prompting. You will want to be sure that the student exhibits mastery of the first two or three steps without prompting before moving on, but you will be able to expand the steps quickly.   Ã‚   Backward Chaining:  Backward chaining  is recommended for students who do not have strong language.  By performing the early steps hand over hand while naming them, you will be giving your student repeated practice in the steps for tooth brushing while building receptive vocabulary, and as you get closer to the end, you will withdraw prompting for the last steps, while keeping the reinforcement for completion closest to successful completion of the task.   Complete Task: This is the most successful with children with high functional skills. They may even be able to complete the task with a written checklist.   Visual Schedule In each of these strategies, a visual schedule would be helpful. Creating a picture schedule with the student completing each step (heavily edited, of course,) is a very effective way to support student success. The visual schedule can be reviewed before you brush teeth or can be placed on the counter. Try using laminated pictures with a hole punched in the corner, bound with a binder ring. You could also make a flip book using two rings at the top of the pictures, having the students lift and flip each page.   Evaluating Success In order to determine whether your student is making progress, youll want to be sure you are not over prompting which may easily lead to prompt dependence.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Emotional Expression and Perception of Time

Emotional Expression and Perception of Time Brief Description Culture has a direct influence on how its members express their emotions and perceive time. This paper uses two cultures, African and Asian ones, to discuss this influence. The two cultures selected differ in many ways, including geographical location, historical background, languages spoken, and religious beliefs.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Emotional Expression and Perception of Time specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As such, the two cultures have various values and attitudes. African culture emphasizes individualism, as opposed to Asian culture which focuses on collectivism (Matsumoto, 2001). Emotional Expression According to Matsumoto (2001), each culture has norms, attitudes, and beliefs that affect how its members express their emotions. While Asians are a bit reserved when displaying emotions associated with good news, Africans openly express such emotions by smiling broadly (Lewi s, Takai-Kawakami, Kawakami and Sullivan, 2010). Africans show positive emotions through happiness and excitement while Asians express such feelings in a calm and peaceful emotion because they believe that displaying emotions should not attract much attention (Lewis et al., 2010). As such, suppression of emotions would not have any negative psychological consequence among Asians, but would result in feelings of guilt, stress, depression, and low self-esteem among Africans. Happy events, such as births and marriages, have a tendency of making people joyful, but some persons may feel sad depending on their culture (Lewis et al., 2010). Africans generally feel happy when celebrating such events, but Asians might have mixed emotions. The reason is that Asians normally involve themselves in conversations that tolerate change and contradiction during happy events. Similarly, Africans express emotions of sadness freely, unlike Asians that have restrictions when grieving over sad events, li ke deaths. Perception of Time Time is a vital aspect of human experience. Temporal behavior, including life pace, time metaphors as well as duration and perception of the past, present, and the future, varies across cultures (Hill, Block and Buggie, 2000). Culture also influences how people feel about physical and personal time.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, African culture does not place much emphasis on punctuality, but Asian culture considers punctuality to be vital.  While both cultures believe in physical time, there exist clear differences when it comes to personal time. Asians perceive personal time as an investment, and therefore they prefer not to start a conversation as a way of passing time if it is unlikely to end. On the other hand, Africans will not mind starting a conversation that, as they know, will not come to a logical end, sinc e they do not perceive personal time as a valuable investment. Furthermore, African culture attaches great importance to the present and the future while Asian culture considers the past to be of the utmost significance, as Asians believe that the past shapes the present and the future (Hill et al., 2000). Both cultures believe in and remember time duration. This happens because they carry out events and activities only for a given period. Asians are, however, monochronic, which means that they only do one thing at a time and fully concentrate on it ((Hill et al., 2000). They adhere to a timetable and spend the least time possible when performing activities. On the contrary, Africans, especially women, believe in multitasking to complete many activities within a short timeframe (Hill et al., 2000). Unlike Asians, Africans do not follow timetables and they can easily switch between activities, so long as they are all completed regardless of the time taken. References Hill, O.W., Bloc k, R.A., Buggie, S. E. (2000). Culture and beliefs among black American, black Africans and white Americans. The Journal of Psychology, 134(4), 443-461. Lewis, M., Takai-Kawakami, K., Kawakami, K. Sullivan, M.W. (2010). Cultural differences in emotional responses to success and failure. International Journal of Behavioral Development 34(1), 53-61.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Emotional Expression and Perception of Time specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Matsumoto, D. (Eds.). (2001). The handbook of culture and psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Mandarin Oriental Group case study - Assignment

Mandarin Oriental Group case study - - Assignment Example In such context, the researcher will use these strategic tools conjointly to identify three key external environmental factors that will shape strategic direction of the luxury hotel and hospitality industry. External Factor 1 (Uncertain economic condition) this external factor is being identified by using PEST and opportunities/Threats matrix. Operating cost for hotels has increased due to ongoing ill effect of previous economic recession, oil price fluctuation, sovereign debt crisis and inflationary pressure (Campiranon, 2010). As a result, profit margin for luxury hotel and hospitality industry is decreasing and lack of availability of financial revenue is negatively affecting industry growth. In context to Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group (MOHG), volatile economic condition of macro environment can decrease their profit margin and revenue earning opportunity in future. External Factor 2 (Decline of theme based Hotels) - this external factor is being identified by using Boston Matrix and Product life cycle. With rise of modern life style and globalisation, demand for theme based hotels is decreasing and customers want all the facilities under one roof (Szulanski, 2009). As a result, theme based hotels have become less profitable and the industry is observing rapid divestment by theme based hotels in order to avoid further financial loss. In context to MOHG, declining sales of theme based hotels might cause saturation and obsolete certain segment of product portfolio. As a result, business growth of company will get negatively affected. External Factor 3 (Hypercompetitive Environment) - this external factor is being identified by using Porter 5 forces. Presence of many international and large domestic players has increased level of competition within the industry. Similarity in product portfolio, small target market and high customer churn rate

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Transferable Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Transferable Learning - Essay Example These important industries are the building blocks of successful economic growth. This paper evaluates Lonrho’s business interests in Africa to determine the company’s position, strengths and weaknesses against the backdrop of internal and external constraints and opportunities (Lonrho vision, 2013, Para6). Management structure Stakeholders Stakeholder Stakeholder expectation Customers Customers expect services and products of high quality relative to the price charged. In the case of corporate and government contracts, the expectation is timely delivery of products and services the company is contracted to supply. Investors (shareholders) Shareholders anticipate a return on their investment in terms of dividends and growth in terms of expansion and market capitalization. Employees Employees expect proper remuneration for their labor in terms of the pay package and social security. External Environmental Analysis (PESTLE Analysis) PESTLE is an acronym for political, eco nomic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors, which are used to assess the market for a business or organizational unit (Salva?, 2011, P.96). Political Factors Political factors are government regulations such as employment laws, environmental regulations and tax policy. The company’s John Deere distributor in Mozambique experienced import delays of tractors and other consignments towards the end of the financial year 2012. These delays resulted in loss of contracts and project delays and had a negative effect on the company’s revenue and profitability (Project delays, 2012, Para3).