Sunday, December 15, 2019

201 Task a †Short Answer Questions Free Essays

201 Task A – Short Answer Questions Ai: Three different sources of information would be found on the internet, through the management and the policy and procedure folder. Aii: a)Three aspects of employment covered by law are Health and Safety, Training and most important a contract, the employee must have a contact of employment. b)Three main features of the current employment legislation are holiday’s entitlement, pay and sick. We will write a custom essay sample on 201 Task a – Short Answer Questions or any similar topic only for you Order Now Aiii: Employment laws exist to protect the best interests of the employees and employers without regulations there would be problems like workers being treated unjustly, unfairly and would cause minimum wages, safe working conditions and discrimination. Task B – Your work role Bi: The terms and conditions of my employment as in my contract are: Names of employee and employer Job title/description Date of employment Hours of work Place of work Remuneration Pensions Holidays Sickness/absences Uniform Training Disciplinary Rules Grievance Procedures Confidentiality Notice Retirement Bii: The information that is needed on my payslip is: Employee number Employee name National insurance number Payment details – Hours, Rate, Tax and Net pay Tax code Date of pay Biii: Two changes of personal information which I would report to my employer would be: Change of name ie. If a marriage or divorce has taken place Change of bank details Biv: The procedure if I wanted to raise a grievance at work would be: The line manager Write to the head of HR and the Administration at Shaw house An investigation of the facts of the case to obtain any evidence which may be relevant A formal hearing A written decision will be given from the Line Manager and Head of HR and Administration If necessary the right of appeal A note of recording would be placed on my personal file If needed an appeal in writing to a higher authority ie. President and 2 independent nominees and The Chief Executive Written decision to me after a complete investigation of the facts of the case Each stage would be placed on my personal file Bv: 1. Data protection – The major piece of legislation which covers confidential information is the Data Protection Act, the access to Health Records and the access to Personal Files Act. The Data held includes credit and financial information, membership of organisations, medical, health and social services records. 2. Grievance – Failure of procedures ie. See Biv 3. Conflict Management – 4. Anti-discriminatory practice – to prevent race, class, gender etc 5. Health and Safety – The home ensures that reasonable practicable Health and Safety and welfare of its employees and others will work in partnership to take steps to ensure that its statutory duties with regard to safety are met at all time. Training in First Aid, Fire, Moving and Positioning, maintaining the rules of the policies and procedures. 6. Confidentiality – During or after the termination of my employment am I to use or disclose to anyone (other than in the proper course of my employment with the initiation, any information on a confidential nature or protected by Data Protection Act. This relates to Beneficiaries, Supporters of the institution and institution itself. 7. Whistle blowing – In the past, people who have reported colleagues’ actions who they consider have been ill treated, neglected or abused residents have been regarded as troublemakers. Now it’s recognised that staff are likely to observe and report bad practice. A case could be a criminal offence, has been a legal obligate, a miscarriage of justice, an individual as failed the health and safety rules or that the environment has been damaged. Bvii: ) To deliver a high standard of resident care within the legislation and regulations. To maintain the dignity, Privacy and independence of residents. b)To not carry out the requirements of my role would be monitored by my employees, advised on training and supported to meet the standards. If after an informal discussion and support is not provided a constitutes misconducts the disciplinary procedure will be evoked. Bviii: Codes of Pra ctice – can help with standards of conduct that are expected to meet, to encouraged us to use the Code to examine our own practice and to look for areas in which you can improve. National Occupational Standards – can be used for recruitment and selection, jobs and evaluation, training, learning programmes and performance appraisals. Good employers invest in training the staff in order to remain competitive, provide individuals to improve skills and opportunities for career development. Legislation and Government initiatives – can to make sure those essential quality standards are being bet everywhere care is provided in the home and help to improve. They promote who uses the services and have a wide range of power to take action if services are unacceptably poor. Bix: Two Representative’s bodies: 1. Care Quality Commission – Their job is to make sure that care provided by hospitals, dentists, ambulances, care homes and services in people’s own homes and elsewhere meets national standards of quality and safety. 2. Macmillan Nurses: They specialise in cancer treatment and care, supporting people with cancer from the time they are diagnosed. They offer emotional support and practical advice to people with cancer and their families in the UK. They are highly trained in managing pain and other symptoms. Macmillan Nurses work with and advise the District Nurse or primary care team. Task C – Career Path I have been working in residential homes for 20 years. My children are 15 and 12 and are finding them independents, so I’m finding more time for me. At the moment I’m starting my NQV3 in Health and Social care which could lead me into becoming a senior in a few years time. Becoming a senior would mean more responsibly and training in nursing, this will build my confidence. I am keeping my options open for my future, my interests are counselling, caring in the community or work from the NHS as a paramedic technician/escort. Task D – Presentation or report Elderly people could be paying for care fees twice over There are concerns that some elderly people and their families could be paying for long term care twice over, as pre-funded policies bought in the 90s to cover care costs have been forgotten. In the early 90s, several insurers sold 44,000 policies to people mainly in their 60s, to meet the cost of care fees in old age. These policies could be paid for in either regular premiums or in a single lump sum. Most policies were bought by relatively young, healthy people for peace of mind, and in the hope that they would never need to claim. Thousands of families in Britain could be paying for care fees for family members in their 80s or older, unaware that their relative may have taken steps to cover part of their care cost already. The problem occurs when no one other than the policyholder knows about the pre-funded policy. Some people will now be suffering from dementia so they cannot remember the policy. A policy bought with a single premium over twenty years ago might be forgotten. If the children or person with power of attorney never knew about the plan it might not occur to them to investigate further. So people in care now may pay twice, because no one knows they established a plan some time ago. It would be advisable if family members or attorneys to search for long forgotten pre-funded policies, often issued by companies that have long since been history. There are companies that families can go to, to have peace of mind to know that existing long term care insurance policies are not only uncovered, but claimed on that are determined to pioneer a solution. They hope other providers will appreciate the seriousness of this situation so that together, they can put a process in place so that every person applying for an Immediate Needs Annuity has the opportunity. How to cite 201 Task a – Short Answer Questions, Papers

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